Shatbhisha Nakshatra: Rudraksha, Significance, Astrology and More

Shatbhisha Nakshatra: Rudraksha, Significance, Astrology and More

What is Shatbhisha Nakshatra?

In the previous blogs, we have read about the Nakshatras, the lunar mansions, and how the moon empowers each Nakshatra or constellation on its motion around the lunar mansion in 28 days, amounting to one each night, thereby impacting astrological effects on the lives of our people.


We have already talked about Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigshira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Mula, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha, Abhijit, Shravan and Dhanishtha Nakshatras.


In this blog, we will be talking about Shatbhisha Naksahtra, the twenty-fifth Nakshatra as per the lunar mansion.


About Shatbhisha Nakshatra

Till now, the previous blogs all talked about the twenty-four Nakshatras and since Shatbhisha is the twenty-fifth Nakshatra, it is also an important step before the Naksahtras are all over and the process starts again.


The word Shatbhisha is made of two Sanskrit words, Shat and Abhish. Shat means one hundred and Abhish means doctors/ healers/ physicians. Therefore, the Nakshatra that needs the power of one hundred doctors, surgeons, and physicians is the Shatbhisha Nakshatra. To sum up in simple words, the most depressed, the most tensed, the illest, and the most expensive Nakshatra is Shatbhisha Naksahtra as it will always keep a person in medical emergencies and thus it is a very important Nakshatra as a lot of care has to be taken for the person born in SHatbhisha Nakshatra.


There is a high chance that the person born in Shatbhisha Nakshatra is uselessly ill and there is nothing that can make the person understand how they can improve themselves. In such times, a person has to be around good healers or be a good healer for themselves because if they don't make themselves right, they are prone to become prey to the bads of society and then ill again.


Common Ailments Suffered By People Of ShatBhisha NAksahtra

  1. Sudden fall in status
  2. Depression, stress, overthinking, and mental disorder
  3. Disease of lungs
  4. Disease of feet
  5. Infection of skin
  6. Infection of eye
  7. Issues with lungs and air tracia


Mantra of Shatbhisha Nakshatra


Shatbhisha Nakshatram Pragyam Saumyasya Suvarchasah | Vayudevsuta Saubhagyam Pradadati Yashaswini ||


Astrology of Shatbhisha Nakshatra

Nick Name: Comprising of 100 physicians

Symbol: Empty circle, 1000 cycles, 1000 stars

Ruling Planet: Rahu

Ruling Zodiac As Per Indian Astrology: Kumbha (Aquarius)

Ruling Zodiac As Per Western Astrology: Pisces (Meen)

Ruling God: Varun, the God of rain

Lucky Color: Blue, Green

Lucky Number: 4 (Four/ Chaar)

Lucky Letter: G, S


The people born in Shatbhisha Nakshatra are called the fortunate stars because they are so much in pain and yet they tend to heal and fight and overcome losses, that they become healers as well and thus they desire to hold the ones in pain and heal them too.


People who have a flair to save society from the issues they have faced are either born in SHatbhisha Nakshatra or have a very strong Shatbhisha Nakshatra. These people go through so much that they not only know how to handle their pains but also how to handle the pains of others and also try to convince them to change and improve and survive in the best possible way.


The people of Shatbhisha Nakshatra are God-fearing people as they believe that each problem, each issue they are facing or their loved ones are facing, is because God is punishing them for something bad or wrong that they have done or the other one has done. This is why they are also very stubborn and hold high tempers because they are always suffering and when in front of them someone acts like a fool, then they are not able to manage their anger and they blast off their temper. This is why they are considered the ones who need help as urgently as possible.


Rudraksha for Shatbhisha Nakshatra

8 Mukhi Rudraksha: Blessed by Lord Ganesha and planet Rahu, when a person has extreme temper issues due to things not working out, it is important to know that 8 Mukhi Rudraksha will help the person think right, understand, and then do the right thing as well. It is not about what and how much a person can achieve. It is more about the fact that if 8 Mukhi Rudraksha can manage the onset of medical issues in the person’s life and make them a better version of themselves so that they can help others, then only it will be considered effective. Know more about 8 Mukhi Rudraksha here.


This was all we knew about Shatbhisha Naksahtrra and its effects on astrology and a person. If there is anything you feel you want to add or remove, you can just connect with us at or and we shall be happy to include the same if the information can be verified. Till then keep smiling and continue worshipping with Rudraksha Hub..!!

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