Ashwini Nakshatra: Rudraksha, Significance, Astrology and More

Ashwini Nakshatra: Rudraksha, Significance, Astrology and More

What is Ashwini Nakshatra?

In the previous blog, we discussed the meaning and existence of Nakshatra and how it helps in Indian Vedic Astrology. In case you missed that blog, do check it out here.


In this blog, we will talk about Ashwini Nakshatra and the astrological significance that Ashwini Nakshatras can bring.


About Ashwini Nakshatra

Ashwini Nakshatra is the first Nakshatra in the Lunar calendar or Lunar Mansion. As discussed previously, each time the Moon takes a new position due to the rotation and revolution, there is a constellation it lights. Thus, these constellations become the Lunar mansion for that time frame.


An ancient Indian sage, Varahmihira, who was a very respected name in astronomy and astrology discovered the Ashwini Nakshatra, and using his logic and deductions, he landed upon the constellation that exactly summed up the happening on Earth with astrological changes.


Varahamihira named this constellation as Asvini in Sanskrit meaning something satisfactory. Later, with language advancements, the name changed to Ashwini without changing its meaning.


Post this, Maharishi, or the great sage Panini, the God of Indian Vedas, discovered that Ashwini Nakshatra seems to resemble the head of a horse. He also witnessed that the person born in Ashwini Nakshatra majorly was like a horse, requiring a lot of maintenance but is very hardworking and not a luxury to have for everyone.


Common Ailments Suffered By People Of Ashwini Nakshatra 

1. Lung Disease

2. Increase In body Temperature, fever

3. Issues with eye sight, pain in eyes

4. Skin Irritation

5. Body Pain


Mantra of Ashwini Nakshatra 

Aashwinya Devi Bhagini Purudhashwa, Nakshtram Yoginya Prerita Jagatsya Gatih | Veeryam Pradaatri Sukhadaam Cha Prasootih, Aashwini Nakshatram Jyotishe Gyaanvigrahah ||


Astrology of Ashwini Nakshatra

Nick Name: The Leader

Symbol: Head of a Horse

Ruling Planet: Ketu

Ruling Zodiac as per Indian Astrology: Aeries (Mesha)

Ruling Zodiac as per Western Astrology: Aeries (Mesha), Taurus (Vrishabha)

Ruling God: Ashwini Kumara

Lucky Color: Black

Lucky Number: 7, 9

Lucky Letters: C, L


The ruling planet of Ashwini Nakshatra is Ketu. Ashwini Nakshatra is better to have been in a working phase when the Moon is descending.


Ruled by the God sons Ashwini Kumars, the twins who served the Gods as physicians, people who have Ashwini Nakshatras are very good healers. Either they are doctors, or they are good in the medical line or they have a good capacity to be a healer for their known ones.


Rudraksha for Ashwini Nakshatra

9 Mukhi Rudraksha: Being the ruling bead for Ketu Rudraksha, 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is the lucky bead for the Ashwini Nakshatra. 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Goddess Durga who is technically a healer of pains and problems as she is the Goddess of valor, strength and power. Goddess Durga is the Goddess of courage and immense fearlessness and thus people who have to be the leaders healers or helpers of people, need to have a certain degree of hope and positivity in them to lead a fearless battle against the odds.


Ashwini Nakshatra is considered one of the most celebrated Nakshatras in astrology because everyone wants a healer and a leader.


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