Vibhuti Bhasm 125 grams

Vibhuti Bhasm 125 grams

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Quantity: 125 grams

Vibhuti Bhasmi 125 grams is a white ash powder that is considered highly holy and auspicious for gaining the blessings of Lord Shiva and the Pooja conducted.

In general, Vibhuti and Bhasmi are two different things, with a minor hairline difference between the two. The difference is as follows:

Vibhuti is the ash proceedings of the Pooja or Hawan and Yagya conducted as a mark of the end of the Pooja. When the fire of the Hawan Kund in the Pooja goes out, the ash remaining in the Hawan Kund the next day is collected and is used as a Pooja material for the Pooja and as a sacred souvenir of the Pooja to take blessings from every day. This is the ash from the Hawan Kund and it is also offered to Lord Shiva for Pooja. It is called Vibhooti or Bhabhoot in local terms as well. It is used in Mahakaaleshwar Temple to offer to Lord Shiva, because he is the Lord of the Shamshaan, the King of post-death and after-life journey of the soul. This is Vibhuti, or vibhooti, or Bhabhoot and is generally white in color, powdered in form and is necessarily the ash remains after the Hawan and Yagya done after the Pooja. Alternatively, Vibhuti is made from burning cow dung (dried cow dung cakes) in Desi Cow ghee. It is generally used in Hawan and Yagya but if it needs to be made artificially, it is made by burning Cow Dung. It is a very good fertilizer for the plants if there is a rainy season and the plant roots are facing troubles due to large quantities of water stagnant there. Just putting Vibhuti in the roots will absorb all the unwanted items from the roots and it will make the plants healthy.

Bhasm or Bhasmi, on the other hand is slightly different. It is also ash remains after the Pooja. It is also white-ish in color. It is also collected after the fire of the Pooja goes out. The only difference is, it is the ash of the burning pyre. Pyre is the pile of wood on which the dead body is laid and burnt after death (as per Hindu mythology, the dead body is not buried. It is burnt on a pyre of wood to release the soul and provide it freedom from body to travel to the next phase of its journey.). Bhasmi is the end product of a body and it is collected by the caretakers (Rakhwaals) of the cremation grounds. These caretakers are called Dome. They are the living avatars of Lord Shiva's incarnation, Kalagni Rudra, responsible to take complete care of the cremation grounds and collect body burning taxes from the people who perform these last rites. Therefore, after the body is burnt, the Domes collect the ash and give it to the concerned persons and the family of the deceased. They generally sweep away the entire ash, but anything that remains on the floors is the actual Bhasm or Bhasmi. This Bhasmi is collected by the Dome and they are the first ones, who actually deserve the same as well as they are the living incarnations of Lord Shiva. If a Dome please or wishes, then only they pass it on in a small quantities to the common public, but in general, it is only the right of the Domes to hold Bhasmi.

Now, with this information, we can understand why the manufacturers and sellers of Vibhuti mix a small amount of Bhasmi in the entire batch and make the entire batch a combination of the two to sell it under the name Vibhuti Bhasmi. This is exactly why, Bhasmi is never sold individually because procuring such large quantities of the same is not possible.

Wearing a small amount of Vibhuti Bhasmi everyday as a Tika (Tilak) on the forehead, or as a Tika on the lower end of the chin or as a locket around the neck, it will carry the blessing of the Pooja done, blessing of Lord Shiva and the blessing from the Kalagni form of Shiva, responsible for the after-life journey of the soul.

This Vibhuti Bhasmi pack of 125 grams contains a mix of Vibhuti and Bhasmi powder, packed nicely in a box for easy usage and the box can be reused again as well in future. Buy Vibuti Bhasmi Powder from Rudraksha Hub at amazing prices or call 8542929702 for any kind of assistance.

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