Rudraksha for Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra)
Located right above the Vishuddhi Chakra or Throat Chakra, the Ajna Chakra or the Third Eye Chakra is situated at the joint of the two eyebrows in a human body. It is also called the Third Eye Chakra because it is located exactly where the Third Eye of the human being is. This chakra is responsible for giving the person the most important things: logic, logic to think, logic to use brains, logic to make decisions, and different from everyone else in all manners.
If looked properly, the word Ajna spells as Aagyaa meaning governance or orders. This Sanskrit word stands for giving orders to the people so they can act on them immediately and ensure that all the requirements are met properly. Ajna Chakra is responsible for giving a person a sense of self-worth and clarity.
Thinking logically, making informed decisions, and using creative imagination are very important for every living person, and thus, Ajna Chakra helps the person in this by providing theme support for thinking right and motivation for being positive and happy. A lot of people have a habit of referring to their strong intuition and gut feeling. Ajna Chakra promotes self-worth, gut feeling, and intuition. Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra opens the unknown, unthought, and unimagined gates of the person to make them not just intuitive in everything but also counter-intuitive in action and counter-productive in results.
Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra represents the Light element of the Earth which means it showcases the importance of hope, brightness in life, positivity, the possibility of good after the bad, and also power, strength, and courage to brace through the bad to embrace the good. Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra makes the person strong and laser-focused on gaining what is needed for them, what is right, and what is well-deserved for them by removing the distractions or strengthening them to not deviate at all in any manner so that there is no chance of any type of deviations from the original directions and the person attains what they desire.
Ajna Chakra or the Third Eye Chakra makes the person very good at intuition, clarity of oneself, imagination, self-awareness, and a tad bit of spirituality. This is how the person can discover their real calling and become the better version of themselves by reflecting upon their thoughts and actions.
Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra is the most active in a person if the person is thoughtful of words and actions, if the person is amazing at faster thinking and rapid actions, and if the person is curious about a lot of things and can grasp things faster to conclude and if the person can know themselves better and work on themselves to make themselves even better.
Ajna Chakra or the Third Eye Chakra of the person is dormant if the person is not intuitive, not very active at thinking or receiving comments, if the person is absent-minded, if the person is extremely tired, and is not able to generate enough energy to keep working properly and if the person is not in a condition to think, act and behave in a curious, behaved and intuitive way.
Body Parts Governed by Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
Left Brain: The creative side of the brain responsible for coining in something new and unknown with an action that can be something new and unknown or unexpected
Ear: The part of the body that allows the sound waves outside the body and even inside the body to travel to the brain and interpret meaning through the same
Nose: The organ responsible for pulling in oxygen and letting out used carbon dioxide for a better respiration process at the guidance of the brain as an involuntary function
Left Eye: The creative side of the brain that is responsible for creativity and unexpected actions governs the left eye also for vision and control of that creativity through eyes and the message passed thereon with eyes.
Medical Areas Affected By Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
Cataracts: A problem in which a thin layer of deposits makes a web over the retina which hinders clear vision or total vision. This can be surgically removed
Migraine: A condition in which the person faces extreme pain in the head and scalp in one brain hemisphere with possible blackouts
Headache: Any action of major or minor stress or tiredness can lead to headaches and thus a lazy person in general
Dizzyness: The situation in which the cerebellum is not able to maintain body balance or is not able to stay in consciousness for a straight time and momentary lapse of blackouts happen thereby losing the balance of the body
Dyslexia: A condition in which the brain is unable to interpret the signals coming at it and thus the action to reaction time is slow or nil
Organ-Specific Infectious Diseases: Issues like Meningitis (swelling in the brain), or any other infection-based disease that affects the brain
Chronic Stress: Any type of stress and tension in the body due to situations outside and around
Indecisiveness: A situation in which the person is not able to make proper informed decisions based on the factors and information provided
Irrationality: Wherein everything that the person feels is subject to question by his brain only
Discontentment: Wherein there is dissatisfaction with everything or anything due to self-issues
Rational Thoughts: Wherein everything can make sense but sometimes they just don’t and the reason too is not known specifically always
Insights: Ideas, thoughts, and philosophies that are not able to manage themselves as per the need of the hour
Intuitions: Inhibitions or gut instincts that make or break a decision trail
Mantra for Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
Lucky Color of Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
Lucky Number of Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
2 (Do/ Two)
Ruling God of Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
Trayambak Lord Shiva
Hamsa Devata
Goddess Susumna Shakti
Goddess Katyayani
Ruling Planet of Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
Yoga Poses That Will Help In Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
Headstand pose (Shirshasana)
Meditation with Om
Rudraksha Best Suited For Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
2 Mukhi Rudraksha: For mental health, peace, relaxation from stress, depression and anxiety
6 Mukhi Rudraksha: For strategy, emotional well-being, and logical thinking
12 Mukhi Rudraksha: For creativity, engaging lifestyle, and improved thought process with positivity
We have tried to enlist all the things we feel are needed to best explain the Third Eye Chakra or Ajna Chakra. Connect with us and do let us know if there is anything more you would want to add, edit, or improve in this entire article or anywhere else at info@rudrakshahub.com and wa.me/918542929702 with a concrete idea and we shall be happy to help you assist you and improve ourselves. Till then, keep enjoying your life and continue worshipping with Rudraksha Hub..!!