Rudraksha Hub

Astrology Assistance

Full Name
Date of Birth
Time of Birth
City of Birth
Zodiac Sign
Do you have a Kundali?
Do You Want a Handmade Kundali?
Any instructions?
Appointment Booking Details
Total details 1
Total Handmade Kundali 0
Astrology Assistance Amount 1 X 501
Handmade Kundali Amount 0
Total Payable Amount

Add More People+

The total fees will be 501/- per person. So if two person detail is added, cost will be 501*2= 1002/-. If three people are added, then 501*3= 1503/-.

Details of Boy

Full Name
Date of Birth
Time of Birth
City of Birth
Zodiac Sign
Do you have a Kundali?
Do You Want a Handmade Kundali?
Any instructions?

Details of Girl

Full Name
Date of Birth
Time of Birth
City of Birth
Zodiac Sign
Do you have a Kundali?
Do You Want a Handmade Kundali?
Do You Want Wedding Date Finalization?
Any instructions?

Fees of Kundali Milaan will be 2100/-
Fees of Wedding Date Finalization will be 501/-

Appointment Booking Details
Handmade Kundali Amount 0
Kundali Milaan Amount 2100
Wedding Date Finalization Amount 0
Total Payable Amount

Handmade Kundali

Full Name
Date of Birth
Time of Birth
City of Birth
Zodiac Sign
Do you have a Kundali?
Any instructions?
Appointment Booking Details
Total details 1
Handmade Kundali Amount 0
Total Payable Amount

Add More People+

Cost of one Handmade Kundali is 2100/-.
So total payable will be number of Kundali added * 2100/-

Daily Horoscope

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