5 Mukhi Rudraksha is most easily available, most used, most advised and most worn mala and bead. 5 Mukhi rudraksha is blessed by Lord Shiva's Rudra incarnation which was responsible for handling all the death and post-death rituals. Kalagni Rudra is responsible for making the post-death, salvation of the soul. The wearer of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha books a guaranteed place in heaven. He is free from the after-life birth cycle.
The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala is a gateway to heaven. The wearer of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha mala is safe from chronic heart diseases like diabetes, blood sugar and other common chronic illnesses. Also, it releases the possibility of heart attack and other heart diseases.
With this purchase, find a customized 5 Mukhi rudraksha mala with mixed beads of Nepali and Indonesian origin. This mala prevents any life sickness and promotes general health and wellness for the wearer. Although, this mala was customized for a customer on request for wearing, this is generally used for Jaap and worship. Order this mala here or call at 8542929702 to order now..!!