Hello people, so we are back with another series of sections that include all the details of all the body parts each Rudraksha affects and, if possible, an explanation of the same so that if you are interested in knowing how to resolve the issues of a body part, you do not have to look any further.
We will be doing this in parts, as in a dedicated article for one Rudraksha bead type so that you know exactly which one is supposed to heal you in the best possible manner. Then we might even reverse it just in case there is a need for it as well.
What we mean by that is, that we would take one Rudraksha and explore all the possible body parts it affects and when we are sure we haven’t left any, we’ll switch to a new article for a new Rudraksha and its analysis concerning body parts they affect.
After we are done with this, we will then go the other way, picking up each body part and telling you which body parts are affected by which Rudrakshas and which one should be your choice if you are in search of one.
Having said this as too much information, I’ll just deep dive first to explain why this series is needed and how there is no reason why this series couldn’t be ignored any further.
Question 1: Does Rudraksha affect physical Body Parts?
Yes. There are multiple studies all across the internet claiming a lot of things. Some positive. Some negative. Some make sense. Some don’t. What’s important is to know that every time you take note of anything, you might keep it as a backup and not brush it off until you either get your answers as to why that news exists or you get your answer as to why that news meant nothing and was real junk.
Important is to know that if you have read something and you feel like it doesn’t make sense, maybe it doesn’t. For Rudraksha, for instance, if you have read that there is an actual physical change that Rudraksha can bring into your life, and you don’t believe in it, it’s okay. There are only two ways your belief can change. Either you call a cap on the theories and try wearing one yourself to know if the theories discussed are all caps and hold any value or you see someone wearing a Rudraksha and see their journey from getting better to worse.
Either way, until and unless you experience the same with your eyes, with your understanding, with your experience of the same, you might not believe it.
The other option is, that you trust in the spirituality of the product, and whether you want to believe in it or not, you don’t question it and let an object, in this case, Rudraksha, do its job. This can be debatable for many in many different manners, and yet, the truth is that if you are trying to make yourself a choice to adapt to a Rudraksha, you might have to adapt to the Rudraksha style of living also and it is not always necessary that you will like it or want to abide by it. But you can experience life-changing around you if you decide to take that plunge and bring change in yourself.
So does Rudraksha affect the physical capabilities? To a certain extent yes. It will either help you with something new, different, and better or it will make you feel a little better than earlier.
If the question was about Rudraksha being superior to medicine, it would be a clear no because each has its uses and limitations. But saying that Rudraksha has no effect and only medical science can do wonders would be an understatement because even if placebo, there have been cases wherein when the medical science failed to work on the process of making one better or heal better, Rudraksha gave them a reason to see life differently and sometimes even heal eventually, slowly, but necessarily.
Question 2: Is it safe to say that Rudraksha has no side effects?
Yes. Completely. So Rudraksha beads are supposed to emit magnetic fields and they tend to absorb the energies of the surroundings they are in. If they are on a body, they will also try to absorb the energies of the body they are on. This is very slightly different from gemstones because gemstones don’t absorb the energies. They just reflect whichever one will be the closest to them and their radar. So if you are around negative people and there is nothing positive there the gemstone you are wearing to radiate and reflect positive energies might start reflecting negative energies into you because they will keep functioning till they are worn. They will reflect only select positive energies that they can for you if they hold the power to do the same for you and your astrological charts.
But for Rudraksha it is different. Rudraksha absorbs the energies outside. It has the power to absorb as much energy around it as possible and then it will reflect those energies slowly as per the need of the person wearing it. So even if the Rudraksha has taken in the negative energies, it will not reflect it until the person wearing it needs it. It will only either reflect positive energies, unlimited without asking or will not do any work at all. There is no chance of any negative energy emission from Rudraksha beads because some people say, that when Rudraksha takes in negativity, it becomes like the Kantha or neck of Lord Shiva. Lots of poison in it and yet only good things come out. Rudraksha also has the power to either purify the negativity absorbed or keep it in and only be able to radiate, emit, and reflect positivity in all formats to all wearers.
This is why there are no side effects of Rudraksha beads. Wear any Rudraksha bead and if it is not the right bead as per your needs or planets or requirements, it will not work, but it will not work wrong or it will not try to make you look bad. Thus, if the bead is not the right bead for you, you will have no effect at all or only positive effects up to what would normally be needed for you or suited for you, if any.
Question 3: Should medical science be neglected while wearing Rudraksha?
No. Not at all. As mentioned in the previous paragraphs also, Rudraksha might be a placebo. You see something, your brain wants to become like that and there can be a chance that in a mode of trying to achieve that want, your health might improve. But is medicine to do nothing with your recovery and betterment? No. It’s wrong to say so because medicines will make you capable of thinking right about what your body will need and how you can better yourself with the want to do it, with the willpower to do it while the medicines figure out the can aspect of their existence in your body thereby again, making you better.
So there it is. Answers to all your questions, myths, and beliefs that what you feel is not what you desire to feel. It’s funny how people believe that only one science can heal them.
When it takes more than one reason to make you the way you are, it will at least take more than one thing to heal you up as well, won’t it? And if that is true, then trust Rudraksha and trust Rudraksha Hub for your religious and spiritual needs to be done the exact way you desire.
We are available on wa.me/918542929702 or info@rudrakshahub.com for anything and we shall be updating one article after another till we complete all the types and variations of Rudraksha beads. We would love your feedback on all our details covered and we shall try to manage it all in the articles if possible. Until then, keep smiling and continue worshipping with Rudraksha Hub..!!