Rudraksha for Kanya (Virgo) Rashi
Kanya Rashi is the sixth sign in the astrological universe. It is considered as the tropical zodiac sign and it is covered by the astrological constellations from August to September. The ruling planets of Virgo Rashi are Mercury, Venus, and Saturn.
Represented by the symbol of a young girl carrying a bouquet of flowers in her hands, Virgo is one of the most alluring signs for anyone. The people having Virgo as their sign are very generous in nature and they are often more successful than anyone else.
Virgo ascendants have the habit of indulging in the most difficult sectors and making their mark there. Kanya Rashi people are very easy to reconcile with because they can do anything except say No to something they don’t want.
They are very gullible and very hardworking but all their efforts get hidden behind the mask of caring and easy attitude where people take them for granted.
Kanya Rashi ascendants are very audacious and hold the power position to get their work done, however, they get the work done in the most respectful manner because they know they are bad at forcing things.
Kanya Rashi people also have the ability to read and know people and situations better than anyone else, even if it means that they have to dive deep into intricate details.
Virgo zodiac ascendants find it very easy to cut through the chase and decipher things of value for themselves so that in case of need, they need not struggle through pile loads of data to find what they need.
Blessed with the ability to handle more than one thing at a point in time, there is only one issue with Virgo ascendants and that is excessive stubbornness in all regards.
Virgo Rashi's ascendants find it very difficult to move from what they have thought and where they are to what had to be and where. They are very stubborn about their work and they do not make any attempt at dismissing the same.
Despite being gullible about things, Virgo Rashi people are adamant about certain beliefs they hold and there is nothing that can make them move from their original thought process of idea.
It is practically impossible for anyone to force a Virgo ascendant to think the way they want them to, if the Virgo person has already decided what they have to do.
However, this comes with an exception from the loved ones of their own whereby if they have decided anything, they can topple it up only for their loved ones, if they feel like it.
Virgo Rashi people are very sensitive to their own people and they can go to any extent for their loved ones. Generally, this makes Virgo rashi people very desirable as well as affectionate.
Kanya Rashi's ascendants are very detail oriented and thus, they are perfectionists in every manner. This means that they do not celebrate the flaws of anyone. They feel that they cannot be the ones wrong or wronged. This is why perfection is their pet peeve.
The issue with this is that Kanya zodiac people forget that there is more to the world than their boundaries of perfection and thus, a small error or flaw is just a flaw and not to be frowned upon.
When Virgo people make errors themselves, they will find it very difficult to admit that they were wrong because of the stubborn behavior they have. But if someone else has made a mistake, they still point it out and make it their life’s motive to get the other person to admit they were wrong and then improve it.
This is why a lot of times, people hate the Virgo ascendant because the height of stubbornness and perfectionism makes them very susceptible to mood swings and they do not understand why they are in such a zone.
Overall, Virgo people are very good, alert, and sensitive to everything. They are also very detail oriented and they can fish through a stack of trouble to find the most important thing, focus.
Although, they are highly stubborn and challenging to handle as well as their demand for perfectionism becomes their biggest weakness and the reason why people start avoiding them or hating them also in certain cases.
Apart from these, Virgo zodiac people are very good and supportive and they have the brains to know what they have to do and how they have to do what to make themselves a better version of their objectives.
These imperfections are just part and parcel of the life of the Virgo Rashi people and thus, they can be corrected using the Rudraksha therapy. Let us see which Rudraksha will suit the issues described by Virgo ascendants.
Rudraksha for Kanya (Virgo) Rashi
13 Mukhi Rudraksha is best suited for Kanya Rashi or Virgo zodiac sign. 13 Mukhi Rudraksha is the bead of fertility and love. 13 Mukhi Rudraksha is also the bead of lust and attraction.
The wearer of this Rudraksha is blessed with a good childhood or with the blessings of a newborn child or good children's health.
In Sanskrit, 13 Mukhi Rudraksha is considered as the giver of Santiti and Santushti, which means, the provider of children and satisfaction.
Basically, anyone who wears 13 Mukhi Rudraksha becomes a better version of themselves because they get more than what they had. They get parenthood and they get a good atmosphere to maintain love.
A Virgo zodiac person has a habit of complaining about imperfections but when they get their children, all the imperfections are also written off, and thus, the biggest problem of stubbornness and perfectionism is tackled.
Also, for the habit of finding faults when things seem wrong, the perfectionist side of the Virgo Rashi person hides behind the loving, caring, and thoughtful side of a parent.
The attraction factor in the wearer increases multifold and thus the wearer of 13 Mukhi Rudraksha is actually able to satisfy their love interest with the fire of attraction and lust brewing up between them due to 13 Mukhi Rudraksha.
There are more than enough reasons to believe that this, Kamadev-blessed, Venus-governed bead of 13 Mukhi Rudraksha is also adept in making the person highly fertile for their cycle of reproduction and further expansion of the human race.
Apart from 13 Mukhi Rudraksha, there is one more alternative for Virgo ascendants, although not an exact match. 6 Mukhi Rudraksha can be worn by the Virgo ascendants because exactly like 13 Mukhi Rudraksha, 6 Mukhi Rudraksha is also blessed by Venus so half work can proceed as-is.
Sometimes, the 6 Mukhi Rudraksha bead is not enough because it is the bead of rational thinking and no emotional overload whereas the 13 Mukhi Rudraksha is the bead of attraction, love, care, and lust.
Thus, 6 Mukhi Rudraksha can be the replacement of 13 Mukhi Rudraksha if it is paired with 2 Mukhi Rudraksha because the factor of love, attraction, and personality has to come into the picture and the only other method of doing it is 2 Mukhi Rudraksha.
2 Mukhi Rudraksha is the bead of a clear head, mindset, and attraction. This is exactly why some qualities of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha and some others of 6 Mukhi Rudraksha can be combined to make the cumulative effect of 13 Mukhi Rudraksha.
Although 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is not governed by Venus, it is governed by the Moon, the planet of calmness and a lot of attraction and fertility. Thus, 13 Mukhi Rudraksha can be considered partly covered under 2 Mukhi Rudraksha and partly under 6 Mukhi Rudraksha.
Since both 13 Mukhi Rudraksha and 2 Mukhi Rudraksha are on the expensive side of the budget, it is possible for many to find cheaper alternatives to both beads. In such a case, there is a three-step alternative to the same.
The wearer will have to wear 13 Mukhi Rudraksha or a combination of 2 Muhi Rudraksha and 6 Mukhi Rudraksha or a combination of 6 Mukhi Rudraksha, 10 Mukhi Rudraksha, and Sphatik Mala. There is no other alternative to this and this is the minimum needed for the wearer.
There is one more exact alternative to the mentioned combinations. Garbha Gauri Rudraksha. Although, it is only for the females and female reproduction and fertility, so if the males need to wear anything for the problems mentioned, they will have to resort to the possible and mentioned combinations only.
To know more about the different types of Rudraksha beads and what to do when and where read our blogs here. Check our new launches products here. To know about other Rudraksha beads in other Rashis, read here. Know more about our work on our website here. You can contact us at info@rudrakshahub.com or wa.me/918542929702 for more details or any customization requests on-demand. Have a great time ahead and till then, keep reading and keep shopping from Rudraksha Hub..!!