Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Shlok Blog -72
अव्यक्तोऽयमचिन्त्योऽयमविकार्योऽयमुच्यते । तस्मादेवं विदित्वैनं नानुशोचितुमर्हसि ॥ 2-25 ||
English Transcription
Avyaktoyamachintyoyamavikaaryoyamuchyate | Tasmaadevam Viditwainam Naanushochitumaharsi || 2-25 ||
Hindi Translation
Yah dehi pratyaksha nahin dekhta hai, yeh chintan ka vishay nahi hain, oe yeh nirvikaar kaha jata hai. Atah is dehi ko aisa jaankar shok nahin karna chahiye.
English Translation
Unmanifest, unthinkable, immutable, he is called; therefore knowing him as such, you should not grieve.
In the previous Shlok, Shri Krishna explained in detail everything about the soul as to why it cannot be ever harmed and how there was nothing that was ever made that can harm it and nothing that will ever be made to harm it in any format.
In this Shlok, we will see how there will be a conclusion to everything saying that when everything is to be over and only the soul will be alive, then the person grieving will also be over after some time, and there is no use in wasting time and energy and effort and opportunity by crying and grieving, rather learn, use the chance and pounce upon everything before it is too late to do the right thing.
The way the entire body can be viewed as a constant that will change with the passing of time, similarly, the soul is also aging, and it can be felt but not be seen exactly as is. This is not a thing to be worried about because this is smaller than the huge world ahead of us.
This body is generally called as something without any marks, cuts, or failures, but in reality, this is not a failure because there is zero change that can happen to the body if you see it from the macro perspective. Every person is born in the same manner with the same organs, features, same functioning. It is just the alignment can be a little tricky or different but the normalcy resumes with the basic things in place. This is not the same for the soul as we have already discussed. As nature changes, the body changes and so does the soul, and there is nothing new here. It's just that the body dies and the soul doesn’t so it moves to another body and gives that a birth.
The fact that this has been discussed over and over again in multiple Shlokas of Bhagwad Geeta by Shri Krishna and Arjun to make a clear understanding, this is so abstract that even discussing this is not a possibility and thus, there can be only a very limited amount of words that can be spoken about this in any manner by anyone.
To answer the question that when it cannot be even explained in words and cannot be seen, then how to know its existence and the changes it brings? The answer is that it is so abstract that it cannot be seen and cannot be heard. It is so abstract that it cannot even be talked about in words. But it is still abstract enough to still exist and be felt. The only expression of it is according to what it can be felt by anyone.
This is why if everyone just agrees to the fact that the body is destructible by any force possible and the soul, the part of the body, is indestructible, in any manner, it is important and it will help in anything that can avoid the grief.
The body exists and a part of the body does not exist if this is okay with anyone, then it will save a lot of trouble for the people who need to feel the heat and need to understand the need to know and have knowledge of this so that they are no more stuck at a theory or a bad experience and they all can move ahead in their lives and make sure that they can pull value to their lives so that there is no one who needs to repent what needs not to be grieved.
That’s all for Shlok-25, Chapter 2 of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta. We will be back with Shlok-26, Chapter 2 tomorrow. Till then, stay happy, keep reading, and keep worshipping..!!