Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Shlok Blog -40
कुलक्षये प्रणश्यन्ति कुलधर्माः सनातनाः । धर्मे नष्टे कुलं कृत्स्नमधर्मोऽभिभवत्युत ॥ 1-40 ||
English Transcription
Kulakshye Pranashyanti Kuldharmaah Sanaatanaah | Dharme Nashte Kulam Kritsanmadhamobhibhavatyut || 1-40 ||
Hindi Translation
Kul ka naash hone par kuldharma ka naash ho jaata hai or kuldharma ke naash hone par sampoorna kul ko adharma daba leta hai.
English Translation
When the family is destroyed, the laws of the family and the legacy is destroyed. If the law and legacy are destroyed then the entire family has to suffer from lawlessness and bad legacy traits.
In the previous Shlok, we saw how Arjun narrated how he felt about killing his people and how he had learned to live with minimalism. He wanted to live in peace since then and he was no more in greed of anything since their last sin. He talks about how he feels that each time he was greedy for something, it led to a demise and a sin for which they had to face repentance and thus, they were done with any more chances or possibilities of greed or getting more than needed.
Arjun said that he knew struggle from his way up and down both as he had been at the givers end and the receivers end and now that his scores were evened, he wouldn’t dare get anything once more. He did not understand that his scores were evened out because he had little knowledge of Karmic balance. There were a lot of scores more to settle with a lot more people which was important to maintain the same Karmic balance.
Arjun further says in this Shlok that if he fights, it will be one more Adharma, which means one more sin. Then to cover up that sin, he will have to go through hell again, but this battle was sure to kill him because there were very less chances that he is going to go through this battle which means that the keepers of Dharma are all there in the battle so after everyone is dead, there will be no one to balance the Dharma factor in the common public and people will do whatever they will like because they will never be afraid of anything and anyone even if their end will be near.
Arjun says that even if Duryodhan cannot see what will happen to the legacy of the family if the battle involves killing them and betraying friends, Arjun does see all of this and thus, he can see that there will everyone unguided and unattended.
Arjun described how much value friendship held because he understood that when there will be no one, there still will be his friends who had supported him all the way till here, and thus, they could build an army that holds the capacity to face such a huge and innumerable Kaurava army and even if they are less in numbers, they are high on spirits.
So, Arjun valued friendship and he valued words that he swore to protect as many people as he can on the battlefield, this will not be possible as not just the promise will be maligned, but the friendship too will be maligned.
Arjun did not want this in his or his people’s name because it will set a bad example for the world outside and they will feel that they are capable of doing whatever they feel like and thus, they will take shelter of the more pleasure some and less required, Adharm.
Destroying a family, name, and legacy means erasing the existence of God's and nature’s creation from the Earth and thus, this is the biggest imbalance. Any imbalance in nature is treated only with disaster and there is no natural disaster that any human will appreciate. So, the disaster will be the spread of Adharma, and the spread of Adharma will finish the entire mankind, and thus, there will be a disaster all over.
How is this related and what kind of domino effect will lead to this butterfly effect will be discussed in the next Shlokas.
It is not only about what can be seen but also about what remains hidden but makes the maximum impact. People believe what they want to and there is only one way anyone can make them achieve what they had to. Sometimes it is decided that it is revenge, but only a far-sighted person can understand that this is only the beginning. Revenge seems like a single-edged sword, and for some, it will be a double-edged sword but only a few know it as a double-edged blade of a fan with innumerable blades because there are so many facets to it and one will lead to another and unfortunately, the only way to stop it will be if one step in the way makes a different route than expected and that’s what Arjun was trying to do by deciding not to fight at all in the war.
That’s it for Shlok-40, Chapter-1, Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta. Know more about Shlok-41, Chapter-1 tomorrow and read till Shlok-39, Chapter-1 here.
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