Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Shlok Blog -28
कृपया परयाविष्टो विषीदन्निदमब्रवीत् । दृष्ट्वेमं स्वजनं कृष्ण युयुत्सुं समुपस्थितम् ॥ 1-28 ||
English Transcription
Kripya Paryaavrishto Visheedannidambraveet | Drishwatem Swajanan Yuyutsum Samupasthitam || 1-28 ||
Hindi Translation
Arjun apne saamne apne logon ko yudh ke liye lalayit khada dekh kar darte hue Shri Krishna se bole.
English Translation
Arjun saw his own people standing in front of him and he got terrified so much so that he turned to Shri Krishna to say something.
In the previous Shlok, we saw how Arjun saw everyone related to him standing at their positions in different armies as per their support and each of them had their reasons for the same as well.
When Arjun faced all this in front of him, he could not understand what went wrong with him and he faced something that could be termed as cowardice. Now for the brave fighter and a person that Arjun was himself, he knew he was not a coward and thus the word cowardice was an insult to describe his situation but he was very scared, very tense, and very confused because he had no idea what he had landed into and when he knew he did land into that he didn’t know he will feel like this when he faces such a situation upfront.
Arjun was sure that he was not a coward but he wasn’t feeling as brave as he was branded. He was not sure when he was the one to receive the insult from the side of the Kauravas, these were the people who were supporting the Kauravas and these were the people standing with him who were supporting him. When they were forced to bear the pains they had, they should not have had subjected to, them also these people who are against him now did not oppose the bad and they supported the Kuravas. They were forced to do that because they could not oppose King Duryodhan but even Duryodhan listened to some senior members like Bheeshm Pitamah and Guru Dronacharya.
They dared not to say anything because they thought things were escalating between the boys and it will be handled by them only in a mature fashion. They should have spoken up somewhere but they didn’t when things went out of hand, and then they joined the Kauravas in the motive of fighting the Pandavas. This made Arjun feel weak and numb inside because he could not understand how these were the people who taught him good things in his childhood and yet when they had to apply it upon them, they did not even care to do so.
Arjun knew that he could see Dushasan, who tried to molest and physically intimidate his wife Draupadi in front of everyone and Arjun had decided that day only that he will not leave Dushasan alive and yet when he saw Dushasan, the most evil-minded Kaurava brother, he wasn’t getting the motivation to launch an attack on the entire army for that one dirty person and kill innocents in an uncountable number.
Arjun could see that he hated to raise his voice or his weapons against these people because suddenly the human side of Arjun was coming up. He didn’t want to risk the lives of so many people for what he could do individually.
Arjun was also feeling bad for the people who are Adharma followers because he knew he will anyways go to heaven and that these people will face the wrath of their actions even if the war does not happen. Suddenly, Arjun’s anger was changed into pity and there was no way in which he was able to gain motivation to get up and kill the enemies in front of him.
Arjun was continuously worried that this war will his own people and he was getting all nostalgic remembering how he wanted to save his people from the massive killing because he just couldn’t muster the courage for the same.
Arjun knew that it was not just for the people who were against him, but also those who were with him and wanted to fight and even settle a lot of scores but Arjun still wanted things to go back to normal now. He was just waiting to say this to Lord Krishna and ask him to find out a magic that can solve everything.
War is always devastating and there was no reason why giving pain to your own people can be justified in any way. Thus, if your own people have been involved in the war situation and you are the prime reason for it, do not try to infuse them further into it. Try to rescue them. Arjun wanted magic to happen and everything goes back to normal knowing that it was not going to happen, but he was getting a cold foot which was referred to as cowardice also but he too had the purest intentions at heart.
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