Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Shlok Blog -45
अहो बत महत्पापं कर्तुं व्यवसिता वयम् । यद्राज्यसुखलोभेन हन्तुं स्वजनमुद्यताः ॥ 1-45 ||
English Transcription
Aho Bat Mahatpaapam Kartum Vyavasthita Vayam | Yadraajyasukhalobhen Hantu Swajanmudyataah || 1-45 ||
Hindi Translation
Bade Aashcharya or dukh ki baat hai ki humlog bada bhaari paap karne ka nischay kar ke baithe hain, jo ki rajya or sukh ke lobh se apne swajano ko maarne ke liye taiyaar ho gaye hain.
English Translation
Unfortunately, we have decided to do great evil, because we are ready to kill our family out of greed for the pleasures of a kingdom.
In the previous Shlok, we saw how Arjun was adamant that he will not fight, so he stated how a battle of killing own family will lead to a chain reaction of unstoppable events all leading to sadness and devastation at the end, he was totally not interested in the same. Yet he did not have the courage to call off the war because it was no more just revenge or an establishment of a decision. It was more of the order and code of conduct definition.
Arjun was interested in making a world of happiness, togetherness, and trust and thus, he was not happy with the battle unfolding in front of his eyes. Arjun was also thinking of how the course of events turned so much that there was a mutual disturbance within the brothers that had escalated to hating each other and then killing each other.
Arjun states that he was very sad that things unfolded in a manner they were never supposed to be because the Pandavas were a very peace-loving clan and there was nothing that could have forced them to be what they had all become. Pandavas were wrong in a few instances, such as mocking Duryodhan for his foolishness when he slipped by referring to the natural disability of his parents to not being able to see.
Then, knowing well that the Kauravas were not in the best of minds, yet going to the friendly dinner they were invited to, without thinking twice, trusting someone they knew they should not trust.
Then, betting their and their public’s hard-earned money and reputation online multiple times, knowing well that the game was somewhat biased and understanding that they are falling into a trap.
Then, the greed of gaining what was lost by betting more and more and then betting on the property and then gambling on their wife to win everything back.
Then, when everything was lost, they had to go to the jungle, at that point, they were just starting to learn humility but they were unable to manage the daily life chaos. They committed more than required sins there and they had to repent all of it, or nearly all of it during their stay.
They still did not learn a single lesson and they trusted Duryodhan and Kauravas for the Lakshagrih where they nearly escaped death.
Each time, the Pandavas had done way too many errors, mistakes, and sins and thus, now it was useless to repent over the spilled milk. The fact was that there were more actions to take revenge than one could count.
This was why Arjun said that he could not believe why people who were so well educated and talented in both the armies, Kauravas and the Pandavas, still were trying to make the scores worse for each other by fighting a battle like this which will defame them for the generations to come.
Arjun was repenting how people like them, who are generally idealized by their own people and their subjects in general were forced to be the ones to decide whom they will support.
All this was the beginning of many more sins in process and the end to it was only when all the sins have been repented for, but this all can be avoided in Arjun’s mind if he denies fighting and sits like an idol awaiting what was there in store for him in the form of death by giving up.
Arjun was sad that everyone was so laser focussed on getting what they wanted that they did not like being under the influence of the ethics and policies.
It is imperative that people behave the way they have been brought up and the way they have learned the order of the universe. What is always surprising is if the education and upbringing were always on point and yet, there are disruptions that lead to devastating results because there had been someone who got influenced from the wrong angle and the misunderstanding could never be completely revoked owing to an ego tussle and spoiling everything with it. On the battlefield, Arjun was reflecting how he and his brothers were taught the most premium education, and the best of the best resources were allocated to them to make them shine better than the best and different from the rest. Yet, they were unable to resolve a fight and things escalated to a situation as grave and as enormous as this war between the families to be mocked by the generations to come and setting a wrong example also for getting things right.
That’s it for Shlok-45, Chapter-1 of Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta. See you tomorrow with Shlok-46, Chapter-1, or Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta. Till then, catch up till Shlok-44, Chapter-1 here.
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