Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Shlok Blog -23
योत्स्यमानानवेक्षेऽहं य एतेऽत्र समागताः । धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेर्युद्धे प्रियचिकीर्षवः ॥ 1-23 ||
English Transcription
Yotsyamaanaanveksheham Ya Eteatra Samaagataah | Dhaartaraashtrasya Durbudheryudhe Priyachikeershavah || 1-23 ||
Hindi Translation
Main Dekhna Chahta Hun Ki Us Dushta Buddhi Duryodhan Ka Saath Dene Ke Liye Kon Kon Raja Or Unki Sena Wale Aaye Hain Anyaay Ka Saath Dene.
English Translation
I want to see which all Kings and their armies are ready to take sides with Duryodhan, the evil-minded son of Dhritrashtra, in this battle.
In the previous shlok, we saw how Arjun knew what he was getting into, and yet he wanted to be fully aware by doing a final check so that he was not mistaken at all. So he requested Lord Krishna to place his chariot in the exact middle of the ground of the battlefield so that there is absolute clarity in everything the person does.
Arjun says to Lord Krishna that he wanted to know who were the people who supported Duryodhan, the evil-minded person so much so that they were okay with all types of harassment he gave to all the Pandavas and other people, in general, originating out of his hate only.
Arjun wanted Lord Krishna to tell him why there were people who were so eager to support the wrong and the bad even when they knew that if that was done to them, they wouldn’t be able to handle it at any cost.
Arjun wanted to know who all were more powerful than him, who all are less powerful than him, who all are eligible to hold a fight with him, and who all do not hold a reason to fight as well. Arjun was always wanting a peaceful solution to anything and thus he was sure that he will be able to fight the war against his people, but then when the war was at its peak, he wanted to know whom not to fight against so that no one can raise a claim upon the same.
Arjun knew that for a king like Duryodhan who was this massively unrealistic and cruel, he was able to survive as a king, and that too successfully because he had this innate quality of being on the absolute side of friendship. He valued friendship and he was very good with words. We have already seen how he made sure that even if Guru Dronacharya decided to not speak up and admit openly about his alliance with the Kauravas, he made sure to keep speaking and keep talking till he convinces Guru Dronacharya and now, Guru Dronacharya was on the side of the Kauravas.
This meant that Duryodhan was an expert at making friends and making things work with the help of words. So, when Arjun saw that the expanse of the Kaurava army was exactly what he had heard and thought it would be, he just wanted to know who were these people who were so good friends with Duryodhan that they were ready to take control of the situation in their manner and also fight the truth by siding with the bad.
Arjun wanted to know that when a person like Duryodhan, who tried everything in his might to take away the kingdom from the Pandavas, and who was never right in his approach, even if he was practical, tries to make a move, then however bad it is or however good it is, he is supported by a few people who slowly become a big army and the Pandavas, however right they are, they always have to fight to keep their point, let along acceptance for the same.
Arjun said to Shri Krishna that I want to see that if a person like Duryodhan, who took away everything we (Pandavas) had by cheating, then tried to take away our wife and then tried to hunt us down in the unknown woods for 14 years and then tried to kill us by duping us of a good home of Lac, is supported by anyone, due to any reason, I want to know who are they and what forced them to compromise without heir ethics to do this.
Arjun had the notion that no one is born bad. People get bad intentions when they are under any kind of greed or want that slowly makes them into bad groups and then they become bad. So he wanted to see who were these people, who were forcing their minds and habits to support the bad, and why were they so eager to support an evil mind like Duryodhan who had forgotten all types of ethics and morals about everything.
Arjun was somewhere sure at a lot of these people were not there because they were very good friends, because good friends never let you make bad decisions. They were there because they had some stone or weight on their backs and they were motivated in the wrong manner. A lot of the people in the Duryodhan army might not even know the kind of evil person he is and that is why they are there.
If some of them know also, they are forced to support Duryodhan and his army because they cannot break the order and chain of hierarchy and command. So they have to stick with their people if they leave them, they will be called cowards and ditchers. So, Arjun needed to know who were these innocents who were not interested in a war, but they had some burdens they had to clear off by fighting for Duryodhan.
Arjun knew that everyone who is supporting Duryodhan is making a sin and anyone who makes a sin, knowingly, unknowingly, or forcibly has to face dire consequences and will be destroyed but he was only focused on the fact that he wanted to know how quickly can he keep things so that a lot of innocents can be saved who will commit a sin if they don’t fight and will commit a sin if they do fight. So Arjun wanted to know the next course of action and he was more eager to know who were the people who are the main faces behind the upcoming massacre and then how to minimize damages at the last moment.
You are never forced to make a choice. If you are, then there is a high chance that you have not evaluated your options properly. Have the courage to tell your friends that they are wrong. Do not support their wrongs ding because you are indebted to them in any manner. Remove your debts or don’t but never support anything wrong your friend did because if you consider yourself a friend, you will make sure your friend is in the right spot, even if it means you have to sacrifice something. But you being secured and your friend making blunders while you trying to support them so that both are secured is not friendship and it will never sustain. So be the Arjun who dares to take action against the wrongs, even if it is his teacher, let alone friends, and not the Duryodhan who has the habit of making things worse and making their friends fight for him.
That's all about Shlok-23, Chapter-1 of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta. We will be back tomorrow with Shlok-24, Chapter-1. Till then, catch up with Shlok-22, Chapter-1 of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta here.
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