Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Shlok Blog -71
अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य एव च । नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः ॥ 2-24 ||
English Transcription
Achedyoyamadahyoyamkledyoshoshya Eva Cha | Nityah Sargatah Sthanurchaloyam Sanaatanah || 2-24 ||
Hindi Translation
Yah shareeri kaata nahin jaa sakta, jalaya nahi jaa sakta, yeh geela nahin kiya jaa sakta or yeh sukhaya bhi nahin jaa sakta, kaaran ki yeh nitya rehne wala, sabme paripoorna, achal sthir swabhaav wala, aur anaadi hai.
English Translation
Uncleavable he, incombustible he, and indeed neither to be wetted nor dried away; perpetual, all-pervasive, stable, immovable, and ancient.
In the previous Shlok, we saw how there were no weapons that were able to harm or finish the soul. The reason given was that it is abstract and it does exist, but it is not in the shape for anyone to be able to hamper it. In this Shlok, we will see the process as to why the five elements cannot harm it in any way.
There are no weapons that can be used to hurt this. This is not because these weapons are useless or indestructive. Also, not because the one who is using these weapons is useless or unproductive.
Not just weapons, also the mantras or Jaaps are not enough to rip apart or even make a hole in this representation of the soul even though curses, mantras, and jaaps are very powerful and can make or mar anything.
This part of the body, the soul, is not even inflammable and there is no way other than proper tangible fire, in the form of mantras, jaaps, curses, or anything else that can make it flame and be over with. The reason is there is nothing in this soul that can be put on fire because there is nothing that can be seen, held, or even adequately chased at as well.
This part of the body is not even eligible to get wet, not just in water but anything that resembles any form of water or any liquid for that matter. There is a singing note, called Maalkosh which can get the stones and rocks to get drenched not just on the outside but on the insides also with the power of rain. Yet, the soul cannot even get a small flick or drop of the water enough to even feel the wetness, let alone being wet.
This part of the body, the soul, is not open to going dry or wilt. Air is also a very strong medium and there is nothing that can make air weak, not even fire and water. Yet, air cannot dry up the soul to harm it or finish it. Thus, weapons, air, water, fire, and curses cannot make the body lose its charm.
Arjun was concerned and was crying thinking about the loss and devastation that could unfold with the battle. This is why Shri Krishna had to bring in the topic of the soul, the part of the body that can never die and that can never be harmed and it will stay as it is always. Thus, there is no point in repenting about it anyhow.
As per the soul setup, it was the same and will be the same always and there is no change that it will ever be bringing to it. Thus, there is no need to grieve about it.
There can be a question if this remains as is always. Then there has to be a place where it stays when not in a body or somewhere taking any form. What place would that be? The answer is very simple. It stays either in some bodies of living people or animals or other organisms or it stays in the heart of Lord Vishnu, in the Vaikunthalok.
The next question is that if it is everywhere, it might be using a mode of transport to move from one place to another, or just move from one place to another sometime, somewhere, somehow? The answer again is it is everywhere Lord Vishnu is and if Lord Vishnu is everywhere, then there is no need for it to be traveling anywhere of anyhow because there is no need for any mode of transport It is like telepathy. It is everywhere and it can be anywhere and everywhere at any given time, so it does not need any mode of transport or even the need to travel.
Even if we agree that this stays at one place only and it does not go anywhere anyhow and still is at some place which is everywhere and somewhere, it might have some kind of vibration. The answer again is no, like a tree stands at one place and it does not go anywhere, and yet it vibrates at least due to air or water or gravity. But only as discussed, these elements do not affect the soul and thus, there is no vibration here.
The next question is that if the body is getting born and dying, does the part of the body also get born? The answer is very easy. It does not die, does not get born. It was there permanently and will be there always for the time immemorial.
In reading, seeing, witnessing, and understanding, whatever comes under natural expanse, this soul tries to make the directions able to be facing in that direction only. In this universe, everything that is existing, it is never tormented by the existence of the soul, only helped.
Anything that could be over and be harmed or finished out, was not there earlier and will not be there later. But the soul is not born, never dies, and cannot be harmed, so will stay forever and be there forever.
This is a very difficult and elaborate description of the soul and this highlights the supreme condition of the existence of the soul. A lot of people think that the soul is sitting inside of all of us and making us do the work. Actually, it is only a tiny part of the body that aims at something and then the mind needs to think about everything and make sure of things in perspective.
That’s all for Shlok-24, Chapter 2 of Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta. We’ll see you again with Shlok-25, Chapter 2 tomorrow. Till then, read and enjoy..!!