Apne (Own), Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta, Shlok-34, Chapter-1, Rudra Vaani

Apne (Own), Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta, Shlok-34, Chapter-1, Rudra Vaani

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Shlok Blog -34


आचार्याः पितरः पुत्रास्तथैव च पितामहाः । मातुलाः श्वशुराः पौत्राः श्यालाः सम्बन्धिनस्तथा ॥ 1-34 ||

English Transcription

Aachaaryaah Pitarah Putrastathava Cha Pitamahah | Maatulaah Shwashuraah Pautraah Shyaalaah Sambandhinastatha || 1-34 ||

Hindi Translation

Yaha mere aacharya, Pita, pita samaan log, or Pitamah hai or saath me mama, sasur, pote, damad or baki sabhi sambandhi bhi hain.

English Translation

There are my teachers, father, father figures, sons, and similar grandfathers, grandfather figures, uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons, sons-in-law, and other similar relatives.


In the previous Shloka, we saw how Arjun was sure that everyone to whom he wanted to give happiness as the victory of war had already given up on everything to be there and fight with the Pandavas and others did not matter. So Arjun was not ready to fight these people and kill them and let the war end in devastation and destruction.

In this Sholka, we will see how he will explain why he was not keen on killing each of his relations. Why he was hesitant towards killing and rebelling against his teachers, his forefathers, elders, juniors, and everyone?

Arjun says that someone as elderly and educated and talented as Guru Dronacharya and Acharya Kripacharya, are the people who teach people and who teach good and important lessons. Teachers are higher than Gods and these are the ones who have taught him everything that Arjun knew and everything that anyone else in the Pandavas and Kauravas knew so fighting him will be the biggest sin Arjun can ever do and thus he will not pick up his equipment against his teachers. Teachers are the head of a person and if the person does not have a head, the person is anyways useless.

Next up were the fathers and the father figures. Arjun said that these fathers are the ones who have created us and we would have never been there if these fathers were not there. So there is no reason that could be stronger than the resolve to kill the fathers and father figures because they are nothing but the body of an individual and the person is useless without a body.

Next were the sons and the people at the age of sons. The sons of all the Pandavas and the Kauravas were also part of the war and this meant that the innocent minds were learning to kill their own people if there is any small difference of opinion which is the worst training anyone can give to young blood and thus, Arjun was sure that this is the biggest sin and he will not be a party to it and will not let anyone be the party to it also.

Next were the grandfathers and people of the age of grandfathers. Arjun said that if the fathers were the body, the forefathers and grandfathers were those who created these bodies and who were the ones who made sure that there were not one but two happy generations they have given life to and upbringing too. There was no question of killing those who had more ability than two generations combined and thus, there was no way Arjun would let these people even get a scar, let alone fight them even if they were against him and they didn’t like him. As per Arjun, if the elders scold you, it is for your benefit, and thus, no one deserved to kill them for this reason.

Next were the uncles and relatives in those fields. These uncles are the brothers of mothers and they are the ones who made life easy for the children when the parents are not on the offspring's side. This meant that if the person needs any help and they do not get it from their immediate parents, these uncles were those who have been present to ease the tension. These uncles are equally important and there is nothing that can make these uncles be killed for the difference of opinions.

Next were the fathers-in-law who are the fathers of the wives of the fighters and they are equally important as fathers because the husband and wives are equal shares in the wagon of marriage so their families hold equal spots as well. They cannot be subject to any violence under any circumstances and thus, they cannot be dead at all.

Next up were the grandsons who are even more precious because if the sons are to be taught to know the value of non-violence at a young age, grandsons are very young and they cannot face violence or be killed because someone else they belonged to could not handle their issues like adults. So there was no question of war where these grandsons will become prey to the uselessness of the elderlies.

Next in line were the brothers-in-law who were the lifelines of the sisters of the soldiers in war and if they die, not just the sisters, who are not even fighting will be deprived of a happy life forever but also their entire household will go for a toss. This is not acceptable and a punishable offense not only in the eyes of the law but also in the eyes of nature, so they cannot be killed at any cost.

Apart from these, anyone who is supporting anyone is a person connected in some manner and they can be friends or supporters or admirers or anyone else. No one has the right to make these people prey to the needs of their own benefits and needs and wants and thus, these people do not deserve being killed for a matter of 105 brothers.


Arjun’s human side woke up the moment his chariot was placed in the middle of the war field and he suddenly realized that all his skills were in vain if he had to fight his own people and had no backbone to save these people from losses in any manner. Thus, Arjun decided that he wanted to call the war to an end even before it has started and there was no way that there is a common ground that was being decided. So at the juncture of a no-decision front, Arjun decided to call the war to a stop or quit it without fighting.

That’s all for today in Shlok-34, Chapter-1 of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta. We will see you tomorrow with Shlok-35, Chapter-1. Till then read Shlok-33, Chater-1 here.


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