Ahankaar (Pride), Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta, Shlok-10, Chapter-1

Ahankaar (Pride), Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta, Shlok-10, Chapter-1

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta Shlok Blog -10


अपर्याप्तं तदस्माकं बलं भीष्माभिरक्षितम् । पर्याप्तं त्विदमेतेषां बलं भीमाभिरक्षितम् ॥ १-१0 ||

English Transcription

Aparyaaptam Tadasmaakam Balam Bheeshmaabhirakshitam | Paryaaptam Twidameteshaam Balam Bheemaabhirakshitam || 1-10 ||

Hindi Translation

Humaari Sena Ka PAndavon Ki Sena Par Vijaya Pana Mushkil Hai Kyunki Pandavon Ki Sena Ka Rakshak Bheeshma Hain or Pandavon Ki Sena Ka Humari Sena Ko Hara Dena Bahut Asan Hai kyuki Unke Pass Bheemsen Jaisa Param Parakrami Insaan Hai.

English Translation

Our Kaurav Sena cannot be defeated by the Pandavas because they have Bheemsena to attack from the front and we cannot defeat them till they have the backing of Bheeshma. 


In the previous Shloka, we saw how Duryodhan was trying to inflate his own ego by praising his army and telling Guru Dron why his idea was best and why his army is best. He earlier started with the good side of the Pandavas and then showed their bad side. When it comes to his own work, he talked about the good of the Kauravas only and then the best of the Kauravas. He even used the tactic of patronizing when he tried to butter up Guru Dron by talking about how powerful he was. then he brought in another fierce fighter name, Bheeshma Pitamah.

Duryodhan went on and on about how he was supported by the best and the good and the fierce names and how he was also good and how he was better at everything and how he was great at what he is doing. After some time, Duryodhan could see some expressions of Guru Dron and he tried to understand that they were satisfied with his words. although, Duryodhan still had some doubts and then he realized that he was only praising his army and that he was not actually telling why if Guru Dron does not join him, he will be at a loss.

This was when Duryodhan stopped to think ad then he changed his tune. Rather than only demeaning the Pandava army and only appreciating his own army, Duryodhan started talking about why he was actually there. He had understood that there was only so much he could do by trying to manipulate his teacher and thus, from the offensive, he went to the defensive side where he tried to beg for the help of Guru Dron so that he could make the best of the army and also so that the lies he had told about his greatness being better than anything else can be controlled.

Duryodhan knew that his army was very big. He also knew that his army had a lot of good and better and best people. He also knew that his army was motivated and was ready to fight. But unfortunately, he was also aware that in his army every individual was ready to fight like an individual but not as a team. He knew the biggest lie he had told Guru Dronacharya was that his people were helping each other. Everyone in the Kaurava army was ready to take the life of the enemy and support their King, Duryodhan. But everyone was not united. Everyone was not sympathetic toward the other person. Everyone wanted to be the best and they did not want to be ignored or take the back seat. Basically, the team effort was missing.

Now we all know that in a situation of war, even if the fighter is the best, that does not guarantee their success if they o not listen to their team or trust their team. The same is true if the team of the person does not trust them. So, in the Kauarava army, everyone was knowing a lot of things, but they lacked to know the importance of sacrifice for the team they all wanted to be the hero and fight the war. they didn’t want to win for a while. They wanted to win individually and show everyone else that it was because of them that the war was won.

Duryodhan also was aware of the fact that the Pandava army was very synchronized. Although they were a small army and were fragments of multiple armies of multiple Kings joined together, no one was fighting to prove a point. Each of them knew they were together in happiness and in agony. Each of them was actually helping the others and perfecting them in whatever capacity possible. They were staying happily at training camps and they were also very satisfied with their procedures. They were not complaining and they were satisfied with whatever they had. Duryodhan knew that the Pandavas were only at the disadvantage of resources and that is why they had a small army. But that small army was worth more than what he had because they were not just united, they were extremely skilled.

Duryodhan remembered how Bheeshma Pitamah, who was on the Kaurava side was the grandfather of the Pandavas too, and thus, he had a loving side for both the Kauravas and the Pandavas and he was incapable of making the judgment as to how he can help some of his grandsons kill some other of his own grandsons. So, he was not at all happy with this and he didn’t enjoy taking the Kauravas' side but since he had pledged to do so to Dhritrashtra, he had to fulfill his promise.

Duryodhan also knew that Guru Dronacharya was a very spiritually inclined person and this was why he respected Yudhishthir a lot as the vibes of Yiudhishthir and Guru Dron matched in terms of religious thoughts and spirituality. This was why Guru Dron respected Yudhishthir a lot. This was a weak point for Duryodhan and howsoever hard he tried to bring an equivalent name to Yudhishthir, things still would never be equal.

There was one more thing that was eating up the patience of Duryodhan. he knew he had tried his level best to poison the minds of Guru Dronacharya for Arjun but there was something in Arjun Guru Dron liked a lot and thus, every time there was anything he felt wronged by Arjun, he would try to find the reason and there would be nothing that could keep him angry from Arjun for a long time. Duryodhan knew the reason also. he knew that Arjun was a very good warrior but he was an even better person. He knew that whatever happened, he would not be interested in killing his own people and thus, he was having Shraddha and Bhakti (belief and surety) upon the fact that there still can be things that can be done right and the war can be called off.

Arjun was not fighting to prove a point. he was fighting because he had to survive against everything that can snatch away his rights. Duryodhan was fighting to prove a point that he was mightier and no one can defeat him. This was why even when Duryodhan was a good fighter, Arjun was better. This was why Arjun had no malice in being the best and Duryodhan had a lot of malice even when he was not the best as Arjun.

Duyodhan was sure that with two major people, he was there to convince and the two major people he believed can help him win were inclined with the same love and affection towards the Pandavas as with the Kauravas, some even more for the Pandavas. This was where Duyodhan knew that whatever he does, howsoever hard he tries, and whatsoever he says, there is nothing that will make Guru Dron and Bheeshm Pitamah hate Pandavas and thus, he needs a turn in the behavior.

Till now, Duyodhan held the attitude of being invincible. he actually started believing in the fact that he cannot be defeated. But when he had seen what was going on, he understood that he was not right and that he had to take another shot at it. One of the most famous writers, Tsun Zhu said in his book, The Art of War that underestimating the enemy is the worst thing anyone can do. Duyodhan did the same thing. He knew he was not invincible but he started believing that he was invincible and that he can get away with anything. This was why he was trying to boast about himself in front of Guru Dron.

Although Guru Dron was somehow convinced, his not saying anything was where Duryodhan again fell down to Earth and realized that Pandavas were not just united and skilled, they had Bhimsen, the one fighter who has always defeated Duryodhan in every fight in every manner and he has never been able to win against Bhimsen even when Bhimsen was at his worst.

In this war, Bhimsen was the one fighter with the Pandavas who had taken a pledge to eliminate the entire Kaurava army and especially the hundred Kurava brothers all alone by himself. Bhimsen was the person Duryodhan was very scared of and he knew that this name would be a defeat to his own statement thus, he tried masking it behind the other names while talking to Guru Dron for the next course of action.

Duryodhan had tried to kill Bhimsen a lot of times. Once, he had drugged him with poison and yet, Bhimsen recovered from that too easily as if nothing had happened. Bhimsen was the one fighter no one had estimated will side with the Pandavas but there had been instances that forced him to take sides and he sided with the Pandavas because he knew the difference between right and wrong.

It was quite evident that Bheeshm Pitamah was the army frontier for the Kauravas and even if Bheemsen was not the army frontier of the Pandavas, Duryodhan took his name and requested and urged Guru Dron for taking his side and making the Kaurava army even better than it was.


We have all seen that when the war signal was blown, Arjun did not run to anyone for help after Shri Krishna was insulted openly by Duryodhan in his court. Arjun knew he was preventing the rights of a good side and his expertise was not to gain any malicious expectations. Duryodhan on the other side was a very different person. He knew ethically he was wrong, even if legally he was right in usurping the kingdom. But the aftermaths of what he did while the Pandavas requested for some space and the way he insulted everyone, betted, cheated, and gambled to make his profit and then made innocents fight in a war so as to prevent himself and his ego and establish a point of centralized control and show his expanse of being a King.

Duryodhan did not realize that he lost the war on the day when there was an inkling of the war and Duryodhan had selected Lord Krishna’s army whereas Yudhishthir had selected Lord Krishna himself. The place that is materialistic and greedy for more and greater and better only is the place that has the maximum discomfort because materialism brings you everything except peace of mind. A place that has minimalism brings a lot of ease and happiness because even if you take out something from nothing it will still be nothing. So, if people are dedicated to work, they can never be defeated and if they are dedicated to luxury, they will stop being the best and they can be easily defeated.

That’s it for Shlok-10, Chapter-1. We will come back with Shlok-11, Chapter-1 tomorrow. If you have missed Shlok-9, chapter-1, do visit it here.


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