3 Mukhi Rudraksha: Warm and Fierce Blueberry beads

3 Mukhi Rudraksha: Warm and Fierce Blueberry beads

Teen Mukhi Rudraksha, or 3 Faced Rudraksha, or Tri Mukhi Rudraksha, is governed by Lord Agni (The God of Fire). These beads are also called Blueberry Beads because of their shape and resemblance to blueberries. This bead is ruled by Mars and Surya together. This is a fierce bead due to its effects that cure the malefic effects of previous births and upcoming births.

Tri Mukhi Rudraksha Stories

The Three Faced Rudraksha is also related to many other dimensions. The most famous one is the Holy Trinity of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva. They are referred to as Trideva (The three Gods). They are creators of the universe, administrators of the universe, and savior of the universe respectively. Lord Agni is bestowed with the power of lighting up the darkest corners of the universe and burning down all the unwanted evils of the universe to grant a happier living life. It is believed that once upon a time, Earth was under immense pressure and was slowly turning into a big ball of fire with scorching heat and extreme temperatures all around. The lakes, ponds, rivers, seas, oceans, and all other water bodies were drying up. Everything was scattered devastation and the existence of life was becoming difficult by the day. In order to bring relief, the Tridev (Holy Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh) came together and prayed to Lord Agni (the God of Fire) to stop his anger and let the inmates of the Earth live a healthy life. Lord Agni was perturbed with the health habits of the Earth dwellers and he was not ready to calm down. Lord Shiva understood the gravity of the situation and with the combined powers of Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu, he let out a cry. His tears started falling down from his eyes to his cheeks and broke down into multiple droplets of tears and fell on the Earth as salty rainwater. These teardrops helped in providing some relief from the excessive weather conditions. Lord Agni eventually calmed down on seeing Lord Shiva crying and announced that he will take back the ill effects of bad health conditions with him. When Lord Agni stopped his anger, the temperature grew a bit colder for some time while Lord Shiva was still crying. It is believed that these teardrops solidified overtime as 3 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads representing the powers of the 3 Lords and the health benefits to the wearer of these beads.

There is one more connection to which Teen Mukhi Rudraksha is related with. It is the equal infusion of the past, the present, and the future. The Teen Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to be the remover of past life sins, preventer from present life sins, and protection from the future life sins after rebirth. 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is responsible for providing a highly powerful blessing of Lord Surya and bestows the wearer with harmonious health thereafter. Also, the Lord of Fire, Agni makes sure to burn down all the sins of the wearer’s and the devotee’s past, present, and probable future life sins at once providing instant salvation and an open door to heaven on death.

The Tri Mukhi Rudraksha is also believed to help maintain a perfect balance between personal and professional life and perfect health. 3 Mukhi Rudraksha liberates a person from the health problems related to the abdomen and digestion. It elevates a person’s thinking capacity and provides them with a clear way of thinking to prosper in the present with flying colors. The 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is the fastest to show effects.

A 15 mm Nepali 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

A 15 mm Nepali 3 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha

Structure and Types of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

3 Mukhi Rudraksha is almost round in shape but looks like a 3D oval structure. The 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is of two varieties: Indonesian (Java) and Nepali (Japa). The Java Beads are comparatively smaller in size and are inferior-looking as compared to the Nepali Bead. The cuts (Mukhs/ clefts) on the surface of both the beads are three in number, which makes it a 3 Mukhi Rudraksha. The Nepali Beads are deep brown in color with extremely deep cuts and clear Rudraksha formations on the bead as opposed to the Indonesian (Java) bead. Also, 3 Mukhi Indonesian Bead is smaller in size than that of 3 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha bead. The Indonesian bead is light brown colored and has little less clear clefts and cuts on its surface.

However, both these beads serve the same purpose and are not inferior to each other in their benefits and effects. Although, there are certain demarcations due to which the two differ and the first one is the natural and geographical conditions of cultivation of the Rudraksha plants. Also, since the Nepali beads are a little rare, it is expensive than the Indonesian bead.

At RudrakshaHub we make sure to deliver the best bead possible from the lot and the bead is selected from a multitude of beads procured directly from the cultivators of the same. We make sure to confirm the order from the customer and suggest to them a better option than the one they are considering, if there exists one, even if that results in a dropped revenue from our side.

Mantra and Rulers of Three Mukhi Rudraksha

Three Mukhi Rudraksha emits a lot of positive energy and cooling waves to slow down the burning instabilities in the lives of the wearer. The mantra that governs Teen Mukhi Rudraksha is:

“Om Kleem Namah”


“Om Namah Shivaay”

These are the 2 mantras used to make the Rudraksha a Siddha Rudraksha. It then emits Jagrit energy to the wearer and controls the minds of the wearer in a coordinated manner. The Abhimantrit Rudraksha helps the wearer hold their personal, professional, love life and health in proper shape.

Teen Mukhi Rudraksha is governed by Lord Agni, the God of Fire. The ruling planet is Sun and the bead is worn to neglect the malefic effects of Mars (Mangal). It is worn by Aeries (Mesh Rashi).

Methods of Wearing Three faced Rudraksha

3 Mukhi Rudraksha can be worn in multiple manners. Each method has its own benefits and significance. Let us focus on each one, one by one.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha in Red Thread- This is worn by those who have been recommended a 3 Mukhi Rudraksha but are facing the malefic effects of Mars. A red thread is recommended for Mangal Dosh or Mangliks who need a 3 Mukhi Rudraksha.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha in Yellow Thread- This is worn by those who are facing excessive hurtful scenarios. The Yellow color signifies healing from hurt and bad scenarios. The bead when worn in yellow helps in healing from pain and agony.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha in White Thread- White is a calming element. It is used to create an environment of peace. It is for the people who deal with anger management issues.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha in Black Thread- Black is a symbol to ward off the malefic effects of Saturn and prevent the bad effects of Shani ki Adhaiya (The two and a half ill- omen years of Saturn) and Shani Ki Saadhe Saati (the seven and half ill-omen years of Saturn).

3 Mukhi Rudraksha in Silver Capped Pendant- Silver is a calming metal and is used to provide proper anger management vibes with a cold feeling. 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is governed by Lord Agni and to counter any extreme heat temperature situations and to fight any ugly anger situations, the Silver cap on the bead is like icing on the cake of benefits.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha in Silver Capped Mala- Silver Mala of 5 Mukhi Beads help in attaining general life happiness and calming down the heart pumping rate to increase to a multifold of High Blood Pressure situations. Wearing a 3 Mukhi Rudraksha in Silver Capped Mala will lead to not only a calmed decision making and anger management and anger control, but also a calmed down approach of the wearer towards all the situations in life regardless of the intensity of graveness.

3 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha with Silver Capping in 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Silver Capped Mala

3 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha with Silver Capping in 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Silver Capped Mala

The procedure of Wearing Teen Mukhi Rudraksha

On a Sunday morning, after completing all the daily chores, take a bath and clean yourself from worldly affairs. Take a Copper Kalash, stand facing the East towards the Sun, and offer Holy Water (Jal) from it to Lord Surya and chant “Om Suryay Namah” or the 12 names of Lord Surya and offer Jal with each time you say “Namah”. For reference to the 12 names of Lord Surya, kindly scroll to the end of the article. After offering the Holy Prayers, fold your hands and close your eyes. Pray to the Lord for a happy, healthy, and successful life. Now take the Rudraksha Bead/ Rudraksha Pendant/ Rudraksha Mala in your hands and show it to the Lord of the bead. Say a small wellness prayer and wear the mala/ bead, pendant on your body.

If in case there is any problem and the Pooja is not possible on a Sunday morning, worshipping the same on a Monday morning in front of the idol of Lord Shiva is also a great idea. Go to a Shiva Temple after taking a bath. Offer Holy water (Jal) to Lord Shiva and offer the Rudraksha at the idol with a mantra “Om Kleem Namah” and “Om Namah Shivaay” at least 12 times. Fold your hands and pray to God with a wellness prayer. Pick up the Rudraksha/ Bead/ Pendant/ mala and wear it on your body in the desired manner.

General Benefits of Tri Mukhi Rudraksha

  • Peaceful thought process
  • Control on the decision-making process
  • Clarity of thoughts and ideas
  • Digestive Ease
  • Boosted self-respect and self-confidence
  • Removes anger and sins of the wearer
  • Removes laziness and procrastination

Medical Benefits of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

  • Releases tensions, stress, and indecisiveness
  • Helps in proper cure of all digestion problems
  • Prevents any kind of stomach infections and problems
  • Helps in relief from chronic fever
  • Cures menstrual problems
  • Controls diabetes
  • Helps in gaining positivity in fighting all the blood-related problems

Astrological Take on 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

  • Removes bad effects of Mars (Mangal)
  • Helps in fighting ill effects of Shani (Saturn)
  • Removes all the bad effects of extreme ill eyes
  • Removes all the sins of past life
  • Prevents from all the sins in the present life
  • Stops and protects from all the sins of future life
  • Gives a happy life without any tensions and stress
  • Wearing in silver makes the heart rate even calmer
  • A red thread will help in removing Mangalik Dosh (Mangal Dosh)

Who Should Wear 3 Mukhi Rudraksha?

  • Politicians
  • Medical Practitioner
  • People with digestion problems
  • People with a very hectic life schedule
  • People with improper diet plans
  • Bodybuilders
  • Actors

3 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha with Silver Capping in 5 Mukhi Rudraksha sSilver Capped Mala

3 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha with Silver Capping in 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Silver Capped Mala

The Do’s of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

There is a multitude of rules to follow while adopting a new element in a person’s lifestyle. Some of these are easy to follow, some of these are very difficult to adapt, but it is highly advised to try and follow these rules and not negate the possibility of upsetting the concerned Gods. Let us check these rules and make sure they are followed to the ultimate best:

  • Wear only if prescribed. However, Rudraksha does not hold any other problems while wearing, it is advised to wear only if prescribed to be safe from any ill-effects.
  • Wear only with total cleanliness
  • Try to wear it on the day of the auspicious God only. If that is not possible, try to wear it on a Monday after taking a bath and doing a Pooja.
  • The intention of wearing Rudraksha has to be clean. Any Rudraksha worn with bad intentions will not lead to the bad of the person, but will lead to a bad idea and will lead to no results.
  • Wear it after having it worshipped. But in case it is not worshipped (Abhimantrit/ Jagrit/ Siddh), put it at the feet of Lord Shiva or Lord Surya and worship them there.
  • In case you have to remove the Rudraksha bead for some time, try to keep it in a cool or clean place.
  • If the bead is damaged due to any reason, pray to the concerned God and make sure to put it in the holy water body or pond. If it is not possible, try to dig a hole near the roots of a Madaar plant and put it there.

The Don’ts of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

  • Do not wear the Rudraksha while consuming alcoholic beverages or non-vegetarian food.
  • Do not put the Rudraksha at any dirty place like the floor or any other place.
  • Do not try eating or putting the bead in the mouth.
  • Avoid using the same hand to touch Rudraksha while eating with the same soiled hands.
  • Try not to abuse while wearing Rudraksha to avoid any ill-effects
  • Do not give your Rudraksha to anyone else.
  • Do not give Rudraksha to anyone else to wear.
  • Do not do Jaap and Shringaar with the same Rudraksha mala that is used in wearing. If the bead has been used in Jaap, keep it reserved for Jaap only. Similarly for wearing and Shringaar.
  • Do not try to break the bead on purpose.
  • Do not wear the bead while going to washrooms and toilets. If you cannot remove it, try to say “Om Namah Shivaay” and then continue with your business.
  • Do not try to play with the bead or sell it after wearing it. A used bead when is sold as duped, the ill- effects will fall upon the seller and the buyer both.

The 12 Mantra/ names of the Lord Surya which were promised in the article above are:

  • “Om Mitraye Namah”
  • “Om Ravaye Namah”
  • “Om Suryay Namah”
  • “Om Bhanve Namah”
  • “Om Khagaya Namah”
  • “Om Pooshne Namah”
  • “Om Hiranyagarbhaaye Namah”
  • “Om Maarichchyaay Namah”
  • “Om Aadityaay Namah”
  • “Om Saavitrey Namah”
  • “Om Aarkaay Namah”
  • “Om Bhaskaraayay Namah”

Enchanting these names on a daily basis will always help in preventing any unwanted causes and ill-omens of the world.

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